View Full Version : 2013 cad link troubleshooting

2013-01-17, 06:25 PM
Having issues with a civil cad plan that I'm linking into a project.

What is a horizontal line in cad, is all over the place in revit...angled,chamfered,changes position with zooming.
Circles in cad become the craziest of shapes as I zoom in and out in revit.
Reloading the file makes it disappear, but it is still loaded in somnewhere.

I've wblocked, purged, saved new copies, removed all unneccessary items/layers,limits are set ok, everything moved to origin.....everything I can think of to get the cad file clean.

the site isn't terribly huge.

Could it be a units issue? Started new revit file, and same issues, which leads me to believe that it is something inherently wrong with the cad or import options.

With the linework all jiggy, and everything changing with zoom, it makes it impossible to coordinate property lines, curbs, etc.
I'm at a loss.

2013-01-17, 08:02 PM
Definitely sounds like you have some geometry in the CAD file that is far away from the origin. When you zoom-extents in the CAD file, does it show you just what you expected? Have you checked the Z-coordinates of everything in the CAD file?

Only other thought that I have is auditing the CAD file...

2013-01-17, 08:41 PM

Load the file into ACAD. Change your view to front or side and see if the data in there makes sense. Way too many ACAD users lose control of their third dimension because they never see it in any other view but plan. I understand this is a civil file and they are usually aware of their z-axis. but you never know. I received a complete ACAD plan of JFK airport in NYC from the Port Authority once. The z-extent was 32,000 feet. I pointed out to them that Mount Everest is only 29,000 feet. Also try commands extmax and extmin. That will give you the maximum and minimum extents of the data. It's the "shoebox" that your data fits into. Be aware that engineering consultants usually work in inches, because ACAD can't do decimals of a foot. Revit usually converts ACAD units well, but surprising numbers of ACAD users don't understand how ACAD handles units like decimals of a foot and metric.

Thought #2:

Was the file translated from some other system?

2013-01-17, 09:25 PM

Thought #2:

Was the file translated from some other system?

I think this may be the case. I double checked my z-values and all was at zero