View Full Version : 2012 Phased project & Revisions

2013-01-18, 01:44 PM
Is there any way to "phase" revsions, by that I mean we have a school renovation project that is broken into 3 phases, each phase to be constructed 1 phase per summer, we published to bidders the phase 1 CD's & now & there have been a couple revisions published to the bidders, my question is when phase 2 CD's go out for bid how can we start with revision #1 again, so contractors dont get confused. We really dont want to break the project up, are there any "tricks of the trade" that may help in this situation?
Thank you in advanced for all your help, these fourms have bailed me out numerous times over the years.

2013-04-21, 07:25 PM
Just make sure you are in Phase 1 when you do the revision.

2013-04-22, 01:52 PM
Revisions are numbered either per sheet, or per project. The revisions themselves are always sequential within a project file.

Why not just release your Phase 1 now, and revisions as they come up, and then when the next phase is ready to go out next year, save the Revit file out as a new file and start over with revisions? That's the only way I know of to start your revisions over at #1, aside from having them numbered per sheet. But I suspect from your post that you probably typically number revisions per project.

Also this way, if anything comes up during the first phase of construction that needs to be changed in the CD's for the other phases, you can go ahead and make those changes without them being a revision when they go out later on.