View Full Version : 2013 Pick New Host - hold on to same location?

2013-01-21, 03:02 PM
Pick New Host - hold on to same location?

Is this possible?

I have a window family (families) that sit across a wall type junction. The wall type changes from masonry to stucco, and the window sill cuts down into the masonry, while the window head is above in stucco.

I have a stucco header on the surface of the stucco wall. This means the host has to be the stucco wall, or the header float out at the face of brick from below.

I've always been annoyed that when I use "pick new host" I have to reposition the family all over. It was fine where it was. I hope I'm just not seeing a checkbox or option.

...check box. As I type it, I think I need to look for one of those.

2013-01-22, 03:54 PM
Instead of pick new host, try Edit Work Plane, then select Pick a line and use the plane it was sketched in. I use this a lot for Face Based content, but you could try it for your windows.

Jeff S.