View Full Version : 2012 Super elevations no longer work in cooridor

2013-01-25, 06:55 PM
January 2013
I created a roadway cooridor last June 2012 using Civil 3D 2012.
Everthing worked OK and I created cross sections and labels for preliminary plans.
There are several curves and superelevated roadways.
When I opened it up today, the superelevation was gone for the cooridor and section views.
The labels on the sections still show that the superelevations were once there.
I can not figure out how to get the super to work again.
The superelevation table is still correct. I have tried redoing the super with the wizard. It did not work.
The templates look good. I have tried redoing the template used for the superelevation locations and that did not work.
Rebuild does no good.
Any suggestions?

2013-01-29, 09:47 PM
I guess I will have to reply to my own comment.

When I checked the template for the multi layer super lane, I noticed that the slope direction and superelevationslope in the parameters had a zero (0) in the table.
If this gets corrupted, you cannot change it or delete the zero. I had to delete the template and start over.
This caused me to have to edit again most of the corridor sections for over four miles of roadway.

wonderful fun, thanks Civil 3D

2013-01-30, 01:39 AM
Yikes! Glad you got it figured, but dang I hate those types of solutions.