View Full Version : 2012 Best Revit-Excel app?

Duncan Lithgow
2013-01-30, 12:56 PM
I made a short list here a while back of tools for getting Revit and Excel to talk to each other (bidirectional data exchange) http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?134864-Revit-to-Excel-to-Revit

Does anyone have any recommendations? Maybe there's a good post here somewhere I haven't spotted? We want to use such a tool to give the building owner access to an excel file they can correct - then pull those changes back into Revit. So I want something tolerant and good at giving error messages when the excel data is not valid for its placement in the Revit database... ideas?

2013-01-31, 04:08 PM
I haven't used it myself, but I have heard good things. CTC has some addons, one is called "Revit Excel Link". I'm not sure it can do exactly what you are looking for, but it might be worth looking into. Here is a link to a quick description. You can also get it from Autodesk Exchange.


2013-01-31, 07:56 PM
I like Ideate BIMLink. Another option that's out there is Newforma. They now have a Revit hook for bi-directional data transfer.