View Full Version : 2013 New Glitch: Regions Won't Preview or Print Transparent

2013-02-06, 01:37 AM
Hi All,

I'm drafting in 2D and usually I can turn the latest Region transparent and everything under it, including other regions will be visible. But tonight, although it looks okay in the drawing view, the preview and print out show the top most Region filled, in this case white, solid fill. Normally this would disappear after applying 100% Transparency Overide. The only way around it is to Bring to Front every object behind it, which is time consuming and tedious.

Only one new Region is behaving properly i.e. allowing me to make it Transparent AND be visible in Preview and printout. A comparison of the Properties of the good Region to the problem Regions shows no difference in settings.

Is there any reason what might be happening. Everything in this View is 2D so far.

Duncan Lithgow
2013-02-13, 10:45 AM
So under properties they are all set to Background = Transparent or Opaque?


2013-11-06, 02:16 PM
you may have graphics option as wire-frame. try shaded or consistent colors