View Full Version : Clash Report Summary Plan View

Wish List System
2013-02-11, 07:46 PM
Summary: For every Clash Report run, it would be great to be able to export a plan view showing all clashes highlighted (similar to the dim other isolation) and labeled based on their clash number.

Description: Sifting through clash reports and trying to figure exactly where each clash is located is a very time consuming and frustrating process for those receiving the reports. It usually involves opening up the contract plan set and referencing the level, grid location and item descriptions, while looking at the small image next to each clash listed in the report. If there are 30+ clashes, this can take a long time.

It would be very helpful to see a summary of each clash test with a plan view (similar to the plan reference view) that clearly highlights all clashes at that level and labels them based on their clash number in the report. The clash report name and level would also be shown somewhere in that view which could be included with the tabular report and also exported as a viewpoint.

Product and Feature: Navisworks Manage - Clash Detective

Submitted By: Nick Ambrosino on 02/11/2013

2013-09-22, 12:44 PM
There is a plugin called iConstruct that does the trick. It has a report designer that you can customize. www.iconstruct.com