View Full Version : 2013 Color Fill Legends

2013-02-28, 10:17 PM
I am creating a plan with color fills to highlight each room's department. I have created a color fill legend to match. The client wants to know the square footage for each department. Is there a way to add this information to the color fill legend? Is there an easy way to find out the total square footage of each department? I've tried making a room schedule sorted by department, but I can't get it to show the total of the areas of all the rooms that make up each department.

2013-03-01, 08:44 PM
Attaching areas to the color fill legend has been a wishlist item for a while now.

What you can do is make a department summary by unchecking "itemize every instance" in the sorting/grouping property of the schedule. This view of the schedule can be dragged onto a sheet right next to the color fill legend. By carefully coordinating the text/lineweights appearance, you can make them look like they belong together.

My pet peeve about color fill legends is they cannot appear in a 3D view like an axo or perspective. That eliminates exploded axos that show every floor of the building stacked vertically, a great tool for presentations.