View Full Version : 2012 linework

2013-03-04, 04:40 PM
I haven't used the linework command in a long time, but I remember that you used to be able to use different linestyles for the same edge. You could push and pull the ends of the linestyle that you wanted. I can't seem to be able to do this anymore. The entire edge of the object becomes only one linestyle.

Also, is there a way to reset linework? Since it is kind of like a visability override, can't it be reset?


Duncan Lithgow
2013-03-04, 05:42 PM
Your first question doesn't sound like any function of the linework tool I've heard of. Are you sure you're not thinking of drawing new lines by 'pick line'?

To your second question, you need to change the line style of the linework tool to <by category > that'll take the objects edge back to the settings for the view.

2013-03-04, 06:50 PM
Thanks! I discovered that the function I was describing only works for projection lines of objects not cut lines.

The only issue with the by catagory reset is that you still have to remember which lines you edited.

2013-03-04, 08:34 PM
I haven't used the linework command in a long time, but I remember that you used to be able to use different linestyles for the same edge. You could push and pull the ends of the linestyle that you wanted. I can't seem to be able to do this anymore. The entire edge of the object becomes only one linestyle.

You can still see the blue dots (shape handles) which can be used to modify the extents of the linework. They appear right as you select the line you wan tto change.. If you wan tto make an adjustment click the line and then immediatly use the shape handles displayed to change the extents of the line. If you select another line to change with the line work tool the shape handles form the first selection will disappear. if you wan to edit the line work after it was placed you can get the shape handles back by using the line work tool again and using an exact match for what was previously overriden. At that point you will get the shape handles back and you can make an edit to the extents.

It is a bit confusing because the linework tool is not actually making an elemnt that you can select after the fact it is simply applying an override to the way a line/edge is displayed so to alter it you essentially have to override it again because there is no "linework object" to select.

The only issue with the by catagory reset is that you still have to remember which lines you edited.

One way to remove all of the overrides at one time is to duplicate the view. This will reset all linework changes at one time.