View Full Version : 2013 Furniture Schedule with Phases

2013-03-04, 09:34 PM
My project is an existing very large admin building with thousands of pieces of existing furniture in it. The goal is to renovate this building in 4 phases, at which time we will be storing the furniture and later reusing almost all of it, and then also buying some new.

I am trying to create a furniture schedule that will help me manage which furniture will be reused and when, and how much more we will need to buy as new.

Here is a simplified example of what I am trying to do:

existing = 1,000 Chairs tagged as C1
Phase 1 we will reuse 400 C1 Chairs
Phase 2 we will reuse an additional 300 C1 Chairs
Phase 3 we will reuse / buy new 450 C1 Chairs
Phase 4 we will buy new 100 C1 Chairs

Of course, I have close to 80 types of furniture to track, and not all will be removed at one time as the building won't be renovated in one big swoop.

I've tried to figure out some way to structure a schedule that will show me the difference between how many chairs are in use, vs in storage, vs to be relocated, vs to be purchase for each phase. This is a difficult task as the "Count" field cannot be used in a calculated value. We keep changing the phasing boundaries around so it would be good to get this to automate somehow.

Any suggestions?

2013-03-06, 11:19 AM
This can be easily achieve with the API but Revit cannot do that kind of calculation unfirtunately.

2013-03-06, 02:57 PM
In some of our content we have placed two parameters, one for Existing Room Name and one for Existing Room Number. This helps track move locations, but it is a manual data entry.

Jeff S.

2013-03-06, 04:12 PM
Jeff , im a little curious about why you needed those parameters? Revit can track the element based on the room, of you phase the room the info will update in your furniture schedule.

2013-03-06, 04:47 PM
For the type of projects that we do, the equipment may not originate from the same model, or even have a model to begin with. It is a way for us to help our clients with move plans for their expensive, large, utility intensive stuff.

I am interested to know how you would track an component, if it moves throughout a model environment from phase to phase. I haven't done much with phases, so I'm all ears.

Jeff S.

2013-03-07, 08:20 AM
We've built and addin to read the room data from link files. There's no way im making architects enter that kind of data for 20 000 pieces of equipment.
Even if you dont have a model, isnt it a lot faster to just redraw walls & rooms to generate that info?

I wonder if they know how good i am to them? ;)

2013-03-07, 03:54 PM
They never do. :(

Jeff S.