View Full Version : Nested light fixtures offset when placed

2003-11-02, 04:58 AM
So I have a restaurant table with uplights within the table structure. When I nest the uplights (fluorescent strips) in the table family, when I render in the project file the lights have offset themselves in both x and y directions. Quite bizarre.

Any thoughts?


2003-11-02, 09:31 PM
Do you get the same result if the lights are placed without nesting ?

Sounds like you need to investigate the uplighter family.

2003-11-03, 05:30 PM
Beegee (oh kind responder to so many posts!)

When I place the light fixtures in the project instead of the family, no problems. Only when nested do I get the offset (its about 10 feet in both axes).

Have you used light fixtures nested in a family with success?

2003-11-03, 09:17 PM
No, I havn't used used nested light families.

Can you post both the uplighter and the nested file, so someone can have a look ?