View Full Version : 2013 Curved Curtain wall in Revit Arch 2013

2013-03-14, 08:24 AM
Hi All, sunny in UK and i'm happy with that but not happy with curtain walls. I have been trolling my way through the 2010 book "Revit Architecture - No Experience Required" good book. This book uses the East & West Wing model with the radial entrance and ramps (best description i could think of). The videos associated with the book refer to a curved curtain wall system at the radial end. The curtain sits on blockwork and runs up to the soldier course at the parapet. I have managed to creat the curtain wall but can't seem to get to grips with the brickwork and blockwork panels above and below. Could someone please assist either by step by step instruction or point me to a good vid or link.


Hope someone can help.

2013-03-14, 10:30 AM
Not sure I see a problem. You draw the curtain wall the same way you draw a wall. For the curved version you'd draw it using one of the arc tools (or possibly the spline / ellipse).

Note though that the actual panels will always be straight panels, so if your CW does not define automatic panel lengths (i.e. something like a max. panel width / height) you might find that it will simply draw a straight panel between the ends of the arc. So ensure you set the CW type's properties such that it will draw at least 2 panels across the circumference of the arc. You can change it later to fine-tune as you'd like, but you need something to start off with. It's not necessary, but at least it doesn't look like you've done something wrong from the start.

Note if the ribbon doesn't display the arc tools after you've started drawing the wall, go to the Modify tab. They should then be the last panel in the ribbon called "Draw".

2013-03-14, 11:23 AM
Not sure I see a problem. You draw the curtain wall the same way you draw a wall. For the curved version you'd draw it using one of the arc tools (or possibly the spline / ellipse).

Note though that the actual panels will always be straight panels, so if your CW does not define automatic panel lengths (i.e. something like a max. panel width / height) you might find that it will simply draw a straight panel between the ends of the arc. So ensure you set the CW type's properties such that it will draw at least 2 panels across the circumference of the arc. You can change it later to fine-tune as you'd like, but you need something to start off with. It's not necessary, but at least it doesn't look like you've done something wrong from the start.

Note if the ribbon doesn't display the arc tools after you've started drawing the wall, go to the Modify tab. They should then be the last panel in the ribbon called "Draw".

Irneb, thanks for your reply. What you suggest is in fact the way i have done this but what happens is that the parapet wall and soldier course is cut off. This is probably because the panels are set to the parapet level. If i finish the CW at a roof level there is still no parapet wall over the CW. Are you familiar with the model i'm talking about?.

2013-03-14, 11:56 AM
Sort of - I've done similar stuff before. There is basically 2 ways to draw such:

Draw the parapet / plinth as one single wall, set the offsets so the plinth starts below the floor level and the parapet ends above the roof. Then draw the curtain wall so it cuts out in between these 2 levels, if it doesn't cut automatically use the cut tool in the Modify ribbon panel.
Draw the Curtain Wall dornally without any other wall in its way. then draw the plinth & parapet as 2 separate walls below & above the CW.

Main thing to look out for is to get the levels correct (note the offsets from a level, up or down)

2013-03-14, 12:21 PM
Thanks irneb, i'll try it later at home and let you know what happens.