Autodesk University
2013-03-30, 02:04 AM
Instructors: LeAnne C. Thurmond, Ph.D.
Class Description: Everything today has become “visual”—Visual Basic, Visual LISP™, Visual C++, and so on. But what if you just need to get at some system variables quickly or do a simple calculation on the fly? This lab will look at basic, but useful, AutoLISP® expressions that can easily be typed at the Command: line, placed on a menu or toolbar, and easily modified either at your desk or someone else\'s.
Class Description: Everything today has become “visual”—Visual Basic, Visual LISP™, Visual C++, and so on. But what if you just need to get at some system variables quickly or do a simple calculation on the fly? This lab will look at basic, but useful, AutoLISP® expressions that can easily be typed at the Command: line, placed on a menu or toolbar, and easily modified either at your desk or someone else\'s.