View Full Version : simple roof problem

2005-02-13, 01:28 AM
I have this simple roof that I don't know who to built. I have tried one roof but with no good results. I have tried 3 joined roof but it wont join.
Any suggestion who to achieve this result?

2005-02-13, 03:15 AM
I think one roof might actually work for you but you may need to use different slopes on the sides of your triangle. The attached picture illustrates the effects of changing rise/12 from 9 to 7 on these two sides. The rest of the roof has rise/12 = 9.

2005-02-13, 04:32 AM
Thanks Leonid for your answer, it is a real honor sir!.
I forgot to mention or i was not clear enough from my sketch that I need the ridge of the roof to be horizontal and parallel to the ground.
Is it possible?

2005-02-13, 05:10 AM
In order to force resulting ridge to be parallel to the ground one needs to make slopes on two sides to be perpendicular to intended ridge direction. See attached sketch reflecting my quick attempt to use slope arrows for that purpose and observe resulting roof. You may want a different final result and then need to figure out how to achieve it. Experienced architects in this forum may give more detailed instructions.

2005-02-13, 05:26 AM
Very interesting approach Leonid, I saw the parallel ridge however the eave got some weird shapes. is that normal behavior? I would like to have a solution that resembles more my sketch, maybe it's too much too ask.

2005-02-13, 03:29 PM
There are some requirements here that are not explicitly stated. The requirement that ridge runs horizontally (parallel to the ground) is incompatible with the requirement of horizontal eaves on the sides. The eave in the middle needs to be higher. If you are looking for nice shape similar to attached roof.jpg then it is possible but you need to employ some math. Take a look at sketch.jpg. Assuming sides of your triangle are at 45 degrees you will need to compute the hight offset at tail for slope arrow of middle segment. In my example the depth of semi-hex piece is 4' and slope of my roof is such that rise/12 = 9 ( tan(slope) = 9/12 ). I specified
Height Offset at Tail = depth * tan(slope) = 4' * 9/12 = 3'
Resulting roof is attached as well. Your depth and slope values are likely to be different so you will need to type in your numbers instead. If you use angles instead of rise/12 as slope project units then you can type a formula with tan(angle) directly into properties dialog (don't forget the = sign)

Is it what you are looking for? Enjoy.

(The initial version of this post had errors which have since been corrected) .

2005-02-13, 06:22 PM
Very interesting approach Leonid, I saw the parallel ridge however the eave got some weird shapes. is that normal behavior? I would like to have a solution that resembles more my sketch, maybe it's too much too ask.
Here you go. You have to create separate roof for Bay Window as shown on "Roof Plan". The result will be something like "Roof Before". To eliminate sloped ridge you have to reduce slopes of 2 planes perpendicular to South wall. The easiest way to do it is by draging arrows in 3D view as shown on "Roof Birds". Excessive roof surfaces can be cut with "Edit Cut Profile tool as shown on "Roof Section"


2005-02-14, 04:03 AM
Yes, Alek that's exactly what I was looking for, but in my case I kept getting error message that said that the roof can be joined. I will try to see if I can follow your steps.

2005-02-14, 02:38 PM
I was getting the same message. That's why "edict cut profile" had to be used. Prehaps it's a bug.


2005-02-14, 02:47 PM
Alex's roof has 5 planes while Wagurto's picture requested only 3 planes and a horizontal ridge. That is why in my previous post I showed a roof with 3 planar surfaces (which resulted in a non-horizontal bottom).

2005-02-14, 05:19 PM
Leonid, could you please see why roof planes wouldn't join with "roof join" tool.

2005-02-14, 05:22 PM
I think this is a case where Leonid provided a "precisely" correct solution and Alek provided an "accurately" correct solution! :wink:


2005-02-15, 02:36 AM
I agree with Alek the join tool sometimes just drive me nuts. Do you have a clear explanation while Revit refuse to join a roof as the one I have? However if a extended the roof manually I got a perfect roof intersection.

2005-02-15, 01:09 PM
Boy, Steve Burri helped me with one of these roofs about 3 years ago. To take Leonid's comments a bit further, to build this with 3 slopes and a horizontal ridge & eave actually will make the roof CURVED when you build it. WHen i built mine, I just used straight rafters which varied in pitch. The roof sheathing conformed to the slight curve. But it is, in reality, a curved roof.

The roof that Steve Burri did for me was actually a solid mass with voids cutting it. Ultimately, it was not quite perfect in achieving the horizontal ridge in the computer model. But it was accurate enough for my needs since I was the one swinging the hammer at the time, and illustrated sufficiently for my clients. Let's see if I can find it and post it.