View Full Version : Mark's not automatically assigned?

Mr Spot
2005-02-13, 11:18 PM
Why is it for carpark (as an example).

In the current build, when they are placed they don't automatically get assigned the next available mark as with doors and windows?

I can't remember for sure as i probably took it for granted, but didn't this use to work. Now i have to place a carpark, tag it, then change its number, then repeat this process for every single one?

Anyone else noticed this?

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-02-14, 02:24 AM
I don't think tags that auto increment have ever been available in Revit. If they have been I'm going to kick myself for not knowing. I just finished working drawings for a commercial residential project with 1400 parking spaces... each individually numbered.

I believe this is a wishlist item and has been for a while. That, and having numbers automatically update if you delete one.
Refer this thread

(edit: thread link added)

2005-02-14, 03:12 AM
What Mr. Spot is referring to is the pseudo auto numbering that exists for window and door tags. Place a door or window tag, say it comes in as D01, now renumber it to say D 100. The next door tag you place will be D 101 ( the next available number, not D02, as might be the case without this limited intelligence.)

This doesn't happen with parking tags ( I'm not sure if it ever did )

Mr Spot
2005-02-14, 03:22 AM
I guess it never did work, it's been that long since i've had to tag carparking i'd forgotten about this...

I need to establish a list of reminders i'm often forgetting little things like this. Guess its my old age... :P