View Full Version : 3D Section View

2005-02-14, 04:29 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am trying to print a 3D view with several walls hidden in order to get somewhat of a section view in 3d. when i print the walls arent hidden, although thats how they are shown on my pc screen??

how else can i get a 3d section view?



Scott D Davis
2005-02-14, 04:39 PM
In the 3D view, turn on your 3D crop region, and pull the crop region until it cuts your building.


set up a section in plan cutting the building where you'd like to see the 3D section. Then make a 3D view by hitting the 3D button on the toolbar, or go to the default {3D} view in the project browser. Once in a 3d view, go to View>Orient>To other View, and then select the section view you created from the list. Instant 3D section!

2005-02-14, 04:40 PM
Hidding walls is temporart (as the command says) - this setting is not retained during print. There has been much discussion about this topic - just do a search.