View Full Version : Can I place dimension text IN dim. lines?

2005-02-14, 06:04 PM
We are trying to place the dimension text in-between the dimension lines, not on top of it. In the properties dialogue box, if you put "0" in for 'Text Offset', it places the text directly on top of the dimension line. We tried (to no avail) using a negative number, in hopes that it would move the text downward (on a horizontal dim). Not. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

J. Grouchy
2005-02-14, 06:08 PM
Only way I know to do it is to select the dimension, grab the text control 'dot' and drag it down over the line (making sure that the text background is opaque). This doesn't really seem worth the time, though...

2005-02-14, 06:11 PM
You need to change the "text pos vert" to centered in the properties dialogue.


J. Grouchy
2005-02-14, 06:23 PM
You need to change the "text pos vert" to centered in the properties dialogue.


where is this option? i don't see what you're talking about.

2005-02-14, 09:41 PM
Wrong Forum - This is not a Revit option.

You need to change the "text pos vert" to centered in the properties dialogue.


J. Grouchy
2005-02-14, 09:46 PM
Wrong Forum - This is not a Revit option.

sheesh...i was beginning to think i was really overlooking something obvious...

2005-02-15, 12:09 PM
Thanks for your input. It just seemed like it was such a simple thing-placing dimension text centered in-between the dimension line, I figured we were missing something. One of our concerns in this process of switching from ADT 2004 to Revit, is that we would have to sacrifice the 'look' we want and make concessions on how things appear in Revit. This may seem small, but where will it end? In ADT, putting the dimension text in the dim line is a simple click (as alluded to above) , and it's not even a choice in Revit. What am I missing?

J. Grouchy
2005-02-15, 01:55 PM
Many (if not most) of us have been fighting for better text editing options as well as more control over the appearance of dimensions. I won't link to some very recent threads...because there are so many of them. The calls have died off somewhat, actually, but the need is still there and Revit is really going to have to put some serious thought into allowing some flexibility. I think their justification is that they want to bring everything up to a certain level in each release and not focus too closely on one aspect while ignoring others...but I think this is one area that Revit has really fallen behind in. Sometimes trying to edit text and configure dimensions in Revit is like trying to edit images in MS Paint. I'm not saying we need MS Word...but something in the middle would make everyone happy, I think.

2005-02-15, 02:20 PM
Hey there,
Please don't take this the wrong way; however, what I think you are "missing" is the fact that your drawings may change a little from the way you are used to having them look. However, you must think about how much you are gaining by using Revit rather than focusing on the 'old' way. A few minor changes to look of your drawings is maybe worth it, in light of how Revit works and saves you huge time and adds huge value.

In my eyes, nobody here who used ACAD or ADT has any room to complain about how they can or can't make their drawings look like they did before. I come from "hand" drawing and drafting. Trust me, NO computer can produce a set of CD's as pretty as my old ones; however, I have chosen to sacrafice a little of the look (which probably was only noticed and appreciated by me!) in order to gain all that is possible in Revit. I have tried to offset this a little in some ways. I had my "hand" lettering converted to a TTF font and I spend a lot of time profiling my sections/elevs/details and faithfully duplicating my titleblock and details.

The payoff? My work load has tripled, my current project size has quadrupled, and I can now produce designs, presentations, renderings and CD's in a fraction of the time that they used to take. Furthermore, I can compete with larger firms now.

I can only say this, (compliments of my Mother) "It's not that I have what I like, it's just that I like what I have."

Good luck learning to transition to Revit and remember, it does take time and patience.

J. Grouchy
2005-02-15, 02:27 PM
Agreed...in my opinion Revit has made our drawings look much cleaner and more professional (and we finally got rid of that ugle architxt font from AutoCAD and moved to a clean and easy-to-read Arial Narrow. My only concern is the lack of flexibility of certain features that seem like they should be more flexible.

2005-02-15, 02:36 PM
Agreed...in my opinion Revit has made our drawings look much cleaner and more professional (and we finally got rid of that ugle architxt font from AutoCAD and moved to a clean and easy-to-read Arial Narrow. My only concern is the lack of flexibility of certain features that seem like they should be more flexible.
Agreed. From what I can tell, and I am no expert, it appears that Revit is growing up still. I like the old analogy about Revit and cars.(A great motor with very few buzzers and bells on the dash vs a ton of buttons on the dash and a lousy motor.) I have seen a lot of growth since version 5.1 and I like the direction the factory is going. I think that it will continue to evolve and get better, especially with people like you and this forum. The factory really seems to listen and care! How rare is that?????

Someone at AU told me that they felt Revit is where ACAD was around release 8 or 9. Plenty of room for improvement still. Just think about the headstart we have on all the others who haven't "seen the light" yet. I just imagine this thread in 2 more years!

Revit Rocks