View Full Version : MA11-2: Autodesk Inventor ® Part Modeling Wizardry

Autodesk University
2013-04-10, 01:39 AM
Instructors: Anthony Dudek – A.F.Dudek & Assoc., Inc.

Class Description: You just know there has to be a better way to do what you\'re doing, but haven't got the time to figure it out. The techniques are relatively easy once you they're demonstrated. Join two Autodesk University® MCAD masters as they eliminate misconceptions and delve into the Autodesk Inventor powerful part modeling tool chest. We'll cover all the major tools and some of the lesser-known ones - Extrude, Revolve, Sweep, Loft, Part Split, Face Draft, Emboss, Decal, Fillet, Pattern, and more. Bring your questions and participate in a forumtype format. Many of you have techniques that you've learned and are willing to share.