
View Full Version : BD15-2: Autodesk Architectural Desktop Modeling Tips and Tricks Thinking Outside the Box

Autodesk University
2013-04-17, 04:11 AM
Instructors: Mark Couture - Intellicon Solutions, Inc.

Class Description: Ever wonder how to model a standing seam roof? Ever get lost in a maze of confusion when designing window assemblies? Ever thought to yourself ..."I know Autodesk Architectural Desktop (ADT) can do it in 3D, but I don't see a button for it and I can't imagine where to start ... with a roof, a slab, who knows?". If this sounds familiar, then this class is for you! We'll take an in-depth look at some 3D modeling tips and tricks that will put your work ahead of the crowd. We'll take ADT design objects and explore how you can "think outside the box".