Autodesk University
2013-04-17, 04:23 AM
Instructors: William Joseph and Kevin Garnett
Class Description: Real-time mobile mapping is now a reality with off-the-shelf Autodesk and Autodesk-based products. Recent innovations in tablet computers, card-type GPS receivers, integrated GPS technologies, along with GIS and CAD software now enable us to use existing aerial photography, satellite imagery, remote sensing data, and electronic permitting data and make it possible to :- easily and accurately locate natural resource problem features- produce ready-to-use GIS data and maps, - conduct in field CAD design, and - seamlessly extract the data back in the office.
Class Description: Real-time mobile mapping is now a reality with off-the-shelf Autodesk and Autodesk-based products. Recent innovations in tablet computers, card-type GPS receivers, integrated GPS technologies, along with GIS and CAD software now enable us to use existing aerial photography, satellite imagery, remote sensing data, and electronic permitting data and make it possible to :- easily and accurately locate natural resource problem features- produce ready-to-use GIS data and maps, - conduct in field CAD design, and - seamlessly extract the data back in the office.