View Full Version : 2012 Tags and Shared Parameters

58D Pilot
2013-04-19, 04:55 PM
First thanks in advance for any help. I've only worked in Revit for about a year but am getting to the point where I want to try some things out. In particular I am trying to understand how to add a department label to a room/ room tag that then auto populates in a door/ door tag family. The idea is to be able to sort the door schedule by department, level, door number and have the door tag read from the room area tag. Does this make sense to anyone? Thanks again for any help!

2013-04-19, 05:20 PM

Well, to start off, you'll need to create a Shared Parameter database file. If you go to Manage tab ยป Shared Parameters, and then "Create..." in the following dialog. Create a Group (for organization) and then create a new Parameter. Change the Type of Parameter to Text and name the Family uniquely.

There are two methods to approach adding the Shared Parameter to the elements: 1. Open the desired Families for editing and add that Shared Parameter to each of them or 2. Add the Shared Parameter to the Project as a Project Parameter which adds it to all elements of the chosen Category(ies).

Additionally, you'll have to open your Tag Family for editing, edit the Label, and add your Shared Parameter to it.

If anything's unclear or you'd like more info, just ask!

2013-04-22, 02:10 AM
The shared parameter will allow you to add a parameter to hold the department name in your Rooms and display it in the Room tag. Unfortunately, there is no out-of-the-box way to get a Door to "automatically" read information from a Room. We use the room number as part of our Door ID, and would love for that to be read automatically. There are third-party tools that can make transferring that data easier; perhaps you could find one that can work to transfer your department name, in which case you would also need a shared parameter for the Door to hold the transferred data if you want to be able to schedule that information (or show it in a tag).

2013-04-22, 01:14 PM
I didn't give complete info in my response. David is correct regarding the Room Info transferring to the Door Tags.

Adding a Project Parameter to the Rooms will allow you to sort your Door Schedules by that value. Under the Fields tab of Schedule Properties, choose either 'From Room' or 'To Room' from the available fields pull-down.

A way to transfer this information from the Rooms to the Doors for Tagging would be to create a separate Door Schedule that is Grouped by this Project Parameter (disable 'Itemize every instance'). Add the Shared Parameter to the Doors (as per my first post). Then, for each line, you could Copy/Paste the text from the Room's Parameter into the field for the Door's Parameter field, thus applying it to all of those Doors. This requires manual input, so if you can find a way to do this via third party add-ins, maybe that would be best.