View Full Version : 2013 Reset Instance Parameters

2013-04-24, 08:31 AM
Apologies in advance as this is quite technical and got everyone stumped so far

We're working on large healtcare schemes and have a shared instance parameter(s) in families and project. (We have these as instances rather than types as otherwise we get too many unique codes in the codebook link)

What we've found is that when these are placed then revit remembers the default instance paramter for that family when dragged from the project browser into the project area. HOWEVER if before clicking in the project when dragging families from the browser if the INSTANCE parameter is overriden at this point then any future familes (of that category) will also have that value regardless of thier'default' value (ie what the the family shows). If the category changes (ie from specialy equipment to plumbing) then the default values come in again but if you do the same thing then this overiddes all future placements for that family category also.

Is this a revit glitch? I can see how it would be useful but also how it needs to be reset sometimes also. Can anyone shed any light before the issue is sent to Autodesk.



2013-04-24, 12:40 PM
This was a headache for us, too, until I found a "reset switch"! In order to reset this, drag any one of the Types from the Project Browser into the Project. Before placing it, use the Type Selector to change it to another Type in of the same Family. That will reset the Instance parameters back to default. You don't have to place the element for this to work.

2013-04-24, 02:21 PM
Thanks so much,

that was exactly it. A few of us have been trying everything tearing our hair out on this one. huge kudos!

2013-07-10, 11:39 PM
I'm using 2013, and i created a cast in place component stairs, changed the width to 20'. Now every type of my stairs are in 20'(assembled, mono), and I can't find any where to change the width before i place it. so all my stairs' default is at 20' now. how can i change them back? Tried your method but it won't work?