View Full Version : 2014 Graphic Card Requirements - Misleading

2013-04-29, 10:43 PM
System Requirements from Autodesk Support:

•Microsoft®Windows 7 Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit)
•Microsoft® Windows 7 Ultimate (32-bit and 64-bit)
•Microsoft® Windows 7 Professional (32-bit and 64-bit)
•Microsoft® Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
•Microsoft® Windows XP (32-bit)

2.0 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
4 GB or more RAM
1280x1024 with True Color
OpenGL 3.3 capable graphics device with 256 MB graphics memory

and recommended environment is,
•Microsoft®Windows 7 Enterprise (64-bit)
•Microsoft® Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit)
•Microsoft® Windows 7 Professional (64-bit)
•Microsoft® Windows 8 (64-bit)

2.0 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 64-bit (x64) processor
8 GB or more RAM
1600x1050 or higher True color
OpenGL 3.3 capable workstation class graphics card with 1 GB or greatergraphics memory
To installand use Autodesk Recap, at least minimum condition should be satisfied.

<name removed>
Autodesk Support Team

From Autodesk Product Design Suite 2014 (http://images.autodesk.com/adsk/files/product_design_suite_2014.pdf):

Recommended Graphics Hardware
Microsoft® Direct3D 9® capable graphics card or higher (256 MB) or equivalent

OpenGL-capable card (Nvidia or ATI) is required for 3D conceptual
design using Autodesk® Mudbox®.
OpenGL 2.0 or higher is required for Autodesk® Alias®
OpenGL 3.0 or higher is required for Autodesk® ReCap®

Microsoft® Direct3D 10® capable graphics card or higher (512MB) or equivalent

If you are wanting to use ReCap you might want to verify what Opengl version your card can support. We have found ReCap did not work with a Opengl 3.2 graphics card.

2013-05-01, 02:32 PM
Which 3.2 card, from which vendor did not work with ReCap? I'm looking at replacing a box in the near future, and am not getting solid info on cards known to run with recap from Adesk. Since it's personal mioney, I do NOT want to try a GTX, and then try AMD, and then buy yet another

2013-05-01, 08:53 PM
You should be able to look up the spec's on the cards your looking at and verify the Opengl version that the card supports.

From a quick look at the ATI site, the 6000 series cards and above all support Opengl 4.1, the 5700 series cards support Opengl 3.2.

I would assume that any card in the last 2 years should be able to support it.

2013-05-01, 09:43 PM
assuming always get's me in trouble....


2013-05-01, 09:48 PM
Hehe yup.


BUT if you buying a new one it's a safe assumsion / use google / manufactures site for spec's.