View Full Version : FM314-1: Revit Architecture and Autodesk FMDesktop: The "Dynamic Duo" of Facilities Management

Autodesk University
2013-05-05, 02:32 AM
Instructor: Clyne Curtis

Class Description: This session will introduce management professionals, architects, and space planners to the powerful relationship that exists when parametric software (Revit Architecture) integrates with facilities management software (Autodesk FMDesktop). You’ll learn how to leverage your BIM model and facilities data into a supercharged facilities management tool. We’ll explore how to create up-to-date space, asset, occupancy, and move-management information for your facility or campus and learn how to present that information to endusers with an extremely user-friendly interface. Real-world examples of linking Brigham Young University campus buildings in Revit Architecture to Autodesk FMDesktop will be used to highlight the power of this dynamic software duo!