View Full Version : ED219-2: The AutoCAD Detective: Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Autodesk University
2013-05-05, 02:40 AM
Instructor: Bill Fane

Class Description: As an instructor, you may not always be sure who actually created the AutoCAD drawing file that a student submits. As a CAD manager, you may have had suspicions that a former employee took your block and detail libraries to a competitor. Or maybe in your professional experience you've simply needed to know who made which revisions to a drawing. Techniques such as Cut-and-Paste, Copy, and Rename can make it all too tempting to take shortcuts. This class will explore several archaeological techniques that an instructor can use to determine the genealogy of a particular file. We'll also study an AutoLISP program that can be used to determine exactly who created every single object within a drawing, and when. This program can virtually eliminate cheating!

2014-03-04, 04:50 PM
Instructor: Bill Fane

Class Description: As an instructor, you may not always be sure who actually created the AutoCAD drawing file that a student submits. As a CAD manager, you may have had suspicions that a former employee took your block and detail libraries to a competitor. Or maybe in your professional experience you've simply needed to know who made which revisions to a drawing. Techniques such as Cut-and-Paste, Copy, and Rename can make it all too tempting to take shortcuts. This class will explore several archaeological techniques that an instructor can use to determine the genealogy of a particular file. We'll also study an AutoLISP program that can be used to determine exactly who created every single object within a drawing, and when. This program can virtually eliminate cheating!

I love this and have used it to great success in my classroom, However we have updated to 2014 and something has broken. I do not have the lisp experience to be able to modify, or even find what the issue is. Are there any plans to update the lisp, or can you point me in the right direction to teach myself how to fix it?

Stephan Brumbaugh
Piper USD 203