View Full Version : DV110-3: MAXSCript for Autodesk® VIZ

Autodesk University
2013-05-05, 02:40 AM
Instructor: dave espinosa-aguilar

Class Description: The MAXScript pull-down menus, the Listener Window there in the bottom left corner, and that MAXScript button in the Utilities panel have kept you both mystified and terrified since you first saw these programs’ interfaces. Buckle up and brace for impact -- this class plunges Autodesk VIZ veterans into the ultimate world of VIZ customization with MAXScripting -- without a doubt, the most underexploited technology in Autodesk VIZ. You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll learn about this scripting language after a 90-minute class, with enough concepts under your belt to take back to your office and start creating your own tools and automated processes and begin unraveling those scripts VIZ had when you bought it. It’s like no other AU class you’ve ever taken on VIZ, and you won’t believe what you’ve been missing all these years!