Autodesk University
2013-05-05, 03:19 AM
Instructor: Dana Breig Probert
Class Description: These days, we seem to be buried in data -- but how much data is too much? It's often difficult enough to open our data files, let alone build a meaningful TIN surface from them. We know we need to use high-tech field-collection information, such as LIDAR, Aerial Topography, and GPS points, so let's figure out a way to use it with the software and computer systems we currently have in our office.
Class Description: These days, we seem to be buried in data -- but how much data is too much? It's often difficult enough to open our data files, let alone build a meaningful TIN surface from them. We know we need to use high-tech field-collection information, such as LIDAR, Aerial Topography, and GPS points, so let's figure out a way to use it with the software and computer systems we currently have in our office.