Autodesk University
2013-05-05, 01:32 PM
Instructor: Brian Ekins
Class Description: This session focuses on techniques that will help you produce an "industrial strength" add-in application. You'll learn how to create commands in Autodesk Inventor, handle user selections and mouse input, provide preview graphics, and support Undo. This class will benefit Inventor users and CAD and IT managers who want to automate or customize their systems and processes. Attendees should have solid Inventor background, and already be familiar with Inventor add-in creation and API basics.
Class Description: This session focuses on techniques that will help you produce an "industrial strength" add-in application. You'll learn how to create commands in Autodesk Inventor, handle user selections and mouse input, provide preview graphics, and support Undo. This class will benefit Inventor users and CAD and IT managers who want to automate or customize their systems and processes. Attendees should have solid Inventor background, and already be familiar with Inventor add-in creation and API basics.