Autodesk University
2013-05-05, 01:38 PM
Instructor: Wayne Brill
Class Description: This session will provide an overview and introduction to the AutoCAD Mechanical API. We'll discuss the available API libraries, and demonstrate how they can be accessed. Using VBA (installed with the product), we'll show you how to access the COM API to create AutoCAD Mechanical entities and manipulate the structure of a mechanical part. It is assumed the audience is familiar with AutoCAD Mechanical and Visual Basic. This class will benefit AutoCAD Mechanical users, and CAD and IT managers who want to automate or customize their systems and processes.
Class Description: This session will provide an overview and introduction to the AutoCAD Mechanical API. We'll discuss the available API libraries, and demonstrate how they can be accessed. Using VBA (installed with the product), we'll show you how to access the COM API to create AutoCAD Mechanical entities and manipulate the structure of a mechanical part. It is assumed the audience is familiar with AutoCAD Mechanical and Visual Basic. This class will benefit AutoCAD Mechanical users, and CAD and IT managers who want to automate or customize their systems and processes.