View Full Version : Detail Project

2005-02-17, 08:13 PM
I guess this might be a wish list item but half of my wishlist items already exist. We are a structural engineering firm and have almost finished our first set of CD's with Revit. The project includes 6 buildings that are similar but different enough to not uses the design options. Origionaly we had all of the buildings as seperate models with their own detail sheets in each model. The architect called and wants to have all of the buildings reference one set of details. Problem here...Revit can't reference details in a seperate project. It would be awsome if Revit could reference to a detail outside of the current project. I could have all of my details for a project in a Detail Project. I could then reference these details from my model. If the detail numbers changed they would change on all of the sheets. Right now I have a major headache from trying to coordinate all of the sheet numbers, with detail numbers (something I thought I wouldn't have to do in Revit). Everything was going great untill the architect through us the curve. I need Revit to be able to handle anything an Architect would do.

2005-02-17, 09:42 PM
Its much easier to just copy paste your details from your "detail project" to you new project and let revit do the referencing.