View Full Version : 2013 stair paths + winder stair

2013-05-08, 11:25 PM
I having some issues with the stairs in the attached images, and any advice would be much appreciated.

In the first set, they are component stairs. I have the first oversized step as a landing, but I can't get the stair path to start at the beginning of the landing. I could fake this with a specific text annotation, but I would like to use a start symbol, etc..

In the second set, I cannot achieve this with component stairs.....which I have begrudgingly accepted. So these are sketch based, but I am having trouble getting the riser lines to show, so the graphics are the same as the component stairs in the project.

2013-05-09, 05:28 PM
I believe you can accomplish what you are trying to accomplish with component stairs. I tried my hand at creating both and this it was successful. I am attaching those for you to check out. Basically what i did was use the component stair, but then used the sketch function which allows you to sketch the components for the component stair. It sounds like the sketch based stair, and it kind of works the same, but its still a component stair.

for the first one it looks to me like you didn't start with a riser, but rather you started with the landing, which technically isn't where the stair begins, but thats just my guess.

the second one I was able to do just by the sketch function of the component stair.

my explanations are probably pretty weak here, but hopefully you can pick apart the stairs I'm attaching.


2013-05-09, 06:27 PM
thanks, but I couldn't open the file. are you in 2014 by chance? I haven't had time to upgrade yet, and thus I am still on 2013

2013-05-09, 06:29 PM
Yeah, sorry about that. I will try to redo it in 2013 at some point today. Stay tuned...

2013-05-09, 06:36 PM
Here you go, went faster the second time...


2013-05-09, 09:02 PM
Thanks! That seems to be cleaner than I can achieve. For some reason when I "convert to sketch", I lose the visibility of the risers, and I can't figure out why. View templates and overrides look ok.

2013-05-09, 09:12 PM
If it helps I didn't use Convert to Sketch, I started it as a sketch. See thee circled icon in the image...