View Full Version : 2013 scissor stairs

2013-05-09, 03:26 PM
The project I am working on will require a scissor stair. Right now we are in SD and are faking it with a single stair, but the day is coming when we will have to get it right. I have never done a scissor in Revit. I searched the forum and there is little out there of any use.

Any ideas?

2013-05-09, 04:44 PM
Could you maybe attach a sketch of what you are trying to accomplish just so we have a clear idea of the goal?

2013-05-09, 06:59 PM


Forgive me if I am wrong, but from the way your question is phrased, I suspect you may be unfamiliar with scissor stairs. In the above diagram, follow one stair up and down, then do the same for the other. See how they intertwine?

The invention of the scissor stair is often attributed to Leonardo da Vinci at the Loire Valley Chateau at Chambord (the house, not the liqueur). It's two stairs winding around each other so as to put two stairs in the footprint of one. You can visualize the effect if you have two worm-shaped corkscrews. Just screw one into the other.

They are very common in NYC apartment buildings because they provide two means of egress in the space of one stair. I was hoping to get a quick start on creating one in Revit without spending a lot of time puzzling over it by myself, especially since I haven't spent much time on the new stair tools in recent Revit releases.

2013-05-09, 08:37 PM
That's what I thought they were, but it seems to me that it should be pretty straight forward. are you trying to get the landings at each level to be part of the stair? You can do a straight run stair and set the mutli-story top and then rotate w/ copy 180 degrees to get the other side of the scissor. Maybe a little more info about what you are trying to accomplish beyond the 2 individual stairs with the multistory tops. Hope this helps, at least to show you that you can probably do it if you play around with the new component stairs a little.

2013-05-10, 06:43 PM
why would this need to be 1 stair? it would be easy to make as 2 stairs.