View Full Version : 2013 wall joins

2013-05-14, 06:37 PM

Is it able to join 2 walls like this? -> see attachment .jpg please.
I'm asking, because I can't do this in Revit. So I made it in pshop for showing an example.
I would appreciate if someone could help me.


2013-05-14, 08:04 PM
You mean like this (see attached). It looks like you are applying a brick skin to a generic wall. Under the Type Properties of your Brick wall ==> Construction ==> Wrapping at Ends ==> Exterior Side. If your wall structure differs, you'll need to modify your wall or use a different setting.

Hope this helps,
Jeff S.

2013-05-14, 08:08 PM
Yes! That's what I mean and those settings are already set. What should I change or configure then to solve this problem? Are there any other settings that I don't know?

2013-05-14, 09:35 PM
After an hour research still not solved the problem. Anyone any idea?

2013-05-15, 01:43 PM
If you could please post an images of the wall Type Properties & Structure, that might help us as well. In my example CMU is the only core element. The Insulation, air gap & Brick are all on the Exterior side of the core, and are set to wrap.

2013-05-15, 04:48 PM
I think I have the same settings like you wrote. I did upload 2 screenshots. The .rvt file was to big (2.58 mb) so you can find it here -> https://www.dropbox.com/s/tt4dfkduhv9hyll/wall%20join.rvt

2013-05-15, 05:25 PM
Okay, so I was cheating/didn't understand how you modeled the walls yesterday. Research 'Dis-allow Join', for a better explanation then what I'm able to give. Right click on the end grip of the wall, and select 'Dis-Allow Join'. You may have to mess with it a bit, but I did get it working within your file.


Jeff S.

2013-05-15, 05:36 PM
On, second thought, I didn't get it working the way you want it to. You'll have to use two walls and butt them up against each other. One wall for the insulation, air gap & brick. The other for the concrete wall. This is how I create my example yesterday. If someone else has a way to do this without my workaround, please respond on this thread.

Sorry for the confusion.
Jeff S.

2013-05-15, 05:40 PM

I did read this -> file:///C:/program%20files/autodesk/revit%20architecture%202013/program/help/en-us/wbh/index.html?url=filesRVTONEHELP/GUID-10DB1268-CA74-4620-8A1B-AF412BCD36D6.htm,topicNumber=RVTONEHELPd30e28576

and did what you told too, but what I get is not the same as what I want. What I want is the left variant of the 3 in my attachment (.jpg).
I got this now :( --> see attachment. the other simple concrete wall is not joining well. It looks like a design fault...

2013-05-15, 05:49 PM
Well, thank you for your help. I guess we'll have to wait for answers, but it would be very strange if Revit couldn't do this with only 1 wall joining an other wall.
I will try your workaround with 2 walls on 1 wall. Thanks.