View Full Version : View Placement on Sheets

2005-02-18, 02:34 AM
Just a quick question to see how people are placing their views on sheets.

If you have a multi-storey building and you have 1 level per sheet, how do you get the building to be in the same position on each sheet ?


2005-02-18, 02:41 AM
One method we use is to set up a sheet that has grid guides in the sheet family and use these to align views on sheets.

We then switch to a non grided sheet for issues.

2005-02-18, 05:13 AM
or just have a cross on the sheet and paste align to other sheets than move your view, we need to do that every now and again, it is not accurate but close enough :)
is it on the wish list?

Scott D Davis
2005-02-18, 05:35 AM
Maybe a wishlist item would be to be able to underlay sheets....you could underlay level one under level two, align the plans (they should snap) and then turn the underlay off.

2005-02-18, 12:13 PM

I Tend to agree with you this would be a very nice option if the development team could incorporate it. I could really benefit from something like this. We use a series of work arounds like what has been discussed here, however if it could be stream lined that would be nice.

2005-02-18, 12:24 PM
Warning: I've haven't tried this, but could you make a grid out of invisible lines in the titlesheet family?

2005-02-18, 12:28 PM
Warning: I've haven't tried this, but could you make a grid out of invisible lines in the titlesheet family?

Steve we have what we call a drawing grid set up in our template for the title blocks and it is on a yes/no parameter. We use it to complete the sheet layout and then turn it off before we print it works well when everyone remebers to turn it off.

2005-02-18, 12:31 PM

On another note have they started construction on the "Eureka Tower" in Melborne? If so how far along is it?

2005-02-18, 01:16 PM
... a drawing grid set up in our template for the title blocks and it is on a yes/no parameter...

Could this be used with Reference Lines? That way they could be left on and they won't plot. Just remember to keep them inside the borders of the sheet. We ran into problems when we drew some ref lines in a titleblock family and they extended beyond the borders. The plots were shifted on the page due to the 'limits' of the sheet being the ref lines outside of the borders.

2005-02-18, 01:18 PM

I have not tried this. sounds like a good idea, I will give it a try and let you know how things work out.

2005-02-18, 07:59 PM
Does anybody use the "ConDoc" system to lable their views? It is just a system of coordinate grid lines labled with letters across the bottom and numbers vertically (or vice versa). If your view falls in the square defined by the intersection of line G and line 1 that is what you lable your view. If this is common practice, why couldn't Revit do it for us automatically?

2005-02-18, 08:38 PM
My sense is that it is rarely used. I've only seen it used by very large firms.

2005-02-19, 04:31 PM
My firm uses the "Condoc' system for labeling details, plans, etc. Several in our area use it. Puts specific grid and organization to a sheet that we like. A little bit more trouble to make it work but I want to upgrade our techniques and start using a family for each entry. Next step is to put invisible grid on sheet view to make it work easier.

J. Grouchy
2005-04-06, 02:13 PM
Is it possible to align object within views on a sheet if they are not plan views with grid lines? I'm trying to place an object fairly precisely on the sheet, but there doesn't seem to be any alignment possible.

2005-04-06, 02:15 PM
try placing a reference line to guide yourself by.

2005-04-06, 02:33 PM
We use the con-doc system as well. Automatic numbering and renumbering as views are moved around based on this system would be very cool. (And the option for letters by default instead of numbers.)

2006-01-28, 08:52 PM
Warning: I've haven't tried this, but could you make a grid out of invisible lines in the titlesheet family?Actually, Stephen, your suggestion is actually a good one! The line is present, is invisible, won't print, and it will always be in the same exact spot in reference to the sheet....reference lines can be by mistake moved (of course one can pin them, but it increases the steps each user needs to make, thus increasing the chances to make a mistake)

The one "negative" thing, is that one needs to modify the family of the titleblock....although one doens't have to save the family, just load into the project.


2006-01-30, 02:28 PM
We usually find that eyeballing is more than sufficient. However our title block has reference planes and invisible lines built into it for aligning such things. Unfortunately the align tool won't recognize a grid or level line after clicking on something in the title block, so it's still really a matter of eyeballing, just a question of how tight you zoom in.

as far as aligning multiple views on a sheet, you should find that if they have an alignment (in real space) that they'll tend to snap into alignment - you'll see a green dashed line indicating that either the view title is in alignment or the center of the view. NOTE - this only works when they really align in the project, not just aligning similar walls or grids.

2006-01-30, 05:24 PM
A quick and easy way that we have been aligning views in model space and paper space is as follows.
1. Creat viewport and set the scale whether its 1/30xp or 1/10xp, etc.
2. Create a Rectangle around the viewport.
3. Click on the express tool bar to the upper right hand corner
> click layout tools
> click change space
4. Now select the rectangle, and hit enter (the rectangle is now in model space) hit enter again.
> move rectangle around to where you need it to be
5. Go back up to the express tool bar (make sure you are in paperspace)
> click layout tools
> click align space
6. Click on one of the corners of the rectangle without zooming, hit enter (notice you have just jumped to model space) click on the corresponding corner of the veiwport, hit enter and the rectangle will now snap perfectly to the corner of your viewport.

Hope that this helps. I have been using this for a while, its quick and easy.

2006-01-30, 05:33 PM
A quick and easy way that we have been aligning views in model space and paper space is as follows.
1. Creat viewport and set the scale whether its 1/30xp or 1/10xp, etc.
2. Create a Rectangle around the viewport.
3. Click on the express tool bar to the upper right hand corner
> click layout tools
> click change space
4. Now select the rectangle, and hit enter (the rectangle is now in model space) hit enter again.
> move rectangle around to where you need it to be
5. Go back up to the express tool bar (make sure you are in paperspace)
> click layout tools
> click align space
6. Click on one of the corners of the rectangle without zooming, hit enter (notice you have just jumped to model space) click on the corresponding corner of the veiwport, hit enter and the rectangle will now snap perfectly to the corner of your viewport.

Hope that this helps. I have been using this for a while, its quick and easy.
it's the wrong software....we/they are talking about Revit Building, not Autocad....

2008-03-17, 08:09 PM
Has anything been developed in RA2008 which allows accurate alignment of plans from one sheet to the next?

2008-03-28, 12:33 AM
I use a titleblock with invisible gridlines with a visibility parameter (attached).
It is useful for eye-aligning views :roll:
As a ex-autocad user, I would be very glad with more view align options in sheets.

Kevin Janik
2008-03-28, 02:04 AM
I was just playing around with Work Planes and they have some ability in this way.

They can be in each view and on each sheet. I addition they can be adjusted independently with a different grid spacing in each view. Once you set one up in a sheet though to help, you can not copy that sheet to keep the Work Plane settings and extents. You almost need to use what it creates when creating a new sheet and not fiddle with it.

Any thoughts?
