View Full Version : 2014 Multi-Level Room Schedule

2013-05-28, 09:00 PM
I tried searching through the forums for an answer to this but didn't come across something so I apologize if there is already a tread is started on this (if there is, please point me in that direction!).

I have multi-story apartments and I'm trying to figure out the best way of setting up the room schedule. Right now each apartment is listed twice (once for the lower level, and again for the upper level) so my totals are way off. Is there a way to combine them? I have them named 101dn and 101up, for example, and I'd like the schedule to show the total square footage for unit 101 (101dn + 101up). The only way I can think to do this is create a room schedule for each room (and filter by name 101) but that seems really tedious and won't give me grand totals.

Anyone have any advice on this? Thanks in advance!

2013-05-28, 11:45 PM
We often run into this issue and we have a pretty easy solution if you don't mind adding another parameter.

We use an instance parameter called something like "Unit Count" and we use that to do the counting instead of the the default count. For multistory units we change the Unit Count to be 1/# of stories, 1/2 or .5 for a two story unit, 1/3 or .333 for a three story unit. Then you can keep them the same name, sort by name and calculate totals for the Area and the Unit Count. The two or three areas will add into one and the count will only contribute a value of one for each multistory unit. The only thing to watch for is that you have to take responsibility for assigning the appropriate Unit Count parameter value. If you needed to show the areas broken out by level you would sort by name and then by level, of course the count won't be too valuable at that point because it will read the fractional value.

This has worked really well for us and we don't really have too many issues other than user error, but that can happen in any system that involves a human being... For what it is worth though, we tend not to use Rooms for this task, we use areas and a unique area scheme. We find the rooms to be a bit limiting because they are so rule based. Areas are much more flexible, if a bit tedious at times.

2013-05-29, 01:56 PM
Thanks for the tips Devin! My only other question is how to get the Unit Count to total up (for a Grand Total # of rooms)?

Nevermind, figured it out :)
Thanks again, I think this will work!

2013-05-29, 03:28 PM
Glad I could help.