View Full Version : Parking Spaces--Parking Component or Site Componenet

Eric Stewart
2003-11-07, 01:35 PM
I noticed that my parking spaces don't "attach" themselves to my surface. I also noticed that my ADA wheelcahir symbols DO "attach" themselves to my surface. So it turns out my parking spaces are parking components and my ADA W/C symbols are site components. I copied a parking space and changed the family typ to Site. I place one of my new spaces and voila!! It attached to my surface.

So, how do you do it and what are the advantages/disadvantages of each method?


2003-11-07, 09:32 PM
Certainly its inconsistent to have these related components in different family categories.

The only advantage of having the parking component , outside a site category, is that you can place it at early planning stage, without the need to define a topo surface. Not much of an advantage really, and in this case, you would probably want your ADA symbol in the parking category as well.