View Full Version : schedule quantities

2003-11-07, 03:55 PM
say I have a fixture family that is supposed to have 6 signs on it. When I
import it into my project, I want the signage schedule to show the sign as
having 6 instances for each fixture I place. How do I do that?

thanks in advance!


2003-11-07, 05:24 PM
Use a shared parameter or just set a parameter in the family to number of signs, you could even have height and width parameters for them, without them being modelled.

2003-11-07, 07:00 PM
In the family I have the shared parameters "signage code" and "signage description" which describes the signage that goes with the family...but there are 6 of these signs on the fixture. How do I get the signage schedule of the project file to count the number of signs total. i.e. if I imported 6 fixtures into the project, I want the signage schedule to read 36 signs...but right now, it just reads 6.

Dimitri Harvalias
2003-11-07, 09:21 PM
Try attaching a shared parameter that includes a calculation field that is included in your schedule.
So fixture 1 has sign type A in this quantity. You would have to fill in the number of signs to be included with each fixture, but if they are consistent from type to type it wouldn't require much effort.

2003-11-07, 11:21 PM
but can my schedule multiply the number of fixtures by the number of signs with each fixture? I haven't found a way...


2003-11-08, 09:16 AM
The calculation takes place in the family, it would be a formula based parameter.

2003-11-10, 06:48 PM
Ok, I tried giving the shared parameter in the family the number 6. However, when I load the family into the project, the "count" field still reads as 6. The "count" field is a preloaded parameter that you can add to schedules that just counts the number of objects loaded. Can I create a new parameter for the schedule that counts based on a formula?
