View Full Version : 2013 Imported CAD file in title block does not look same in sheet view

2013-06-13, 06:09 PM
So we are relatively new to Revit and are using 2013. I have made our title block as a revit family and have imported our company logo from the AutoCAD file. I didn't make the logo in Revit because it has multiple sweeping curves that in CAD we drew with many very short polyline segments. In Revit you cannot draw as short of a line as you can in CAD, so 5 of our CAD lines is one Revit line.

Anyway, the problem i am having is the logo prints a gray color from CAD. I "Import CAD" into the title block family file and the logo looks and prints gray. When i bring the title block into a drawing and put it on a sheet the gray area is solid black. Why did it change? What am i missing (besides sleep!!)?


2013-06-13, 06:45 PM
My first guess is... the project file does not have the same lineweight settings as in the family file... the Project settings tend to override the family settings...

check the Visibility graphics, Object styles,... Can't think of anymore off the top of my head, but I'm guessing you should be looking for the Improted Objects items... Also, look for any 'parent' catagories that the object would be under. I had a drafting symbol being controled by the parent catagory instead of the sub catagory I had the items on.... That was a fun one to find.... So mabe some title block setting is overriding your 'sub' catagory.

You might have to bring in your titleblock into Revit. I would print your logo as an image, put it into a generic annotation family for future needs, and then bring it into your title block. So you can keep you correct lineweights and shape and all... I did that for the same reason, but we already had an image of our logo I could use...

2013-06-13, 07:53 PM
Thanks UMSCBody! It was the Visibility Graphics, Objects Styles of the Imported Objects. The Line Weight, Line Color, Line Pattern were all set to what i assume were default settings of 1, black, and Solid respectively.

I think i may take your suggesting of making our logo into an image. That way i would not have to fight this.
Thanks again!

2013-06-13, 08:46 PM
I try my best.