View Full Version : 2012 Extrusion profile editing Question

2013-06-29, 01:41 PM
Does anyone know of a good, all encompassing web tutorial on the basics of editing an extrusion profile??

I've created a simple box using the generic models family that i want to use as a solid surface material on a wall. it will be no different from a curb with curved edges. it will have a depth and length but i'll need to be able to toggle between the plan and side views to edit properly but it looks like i'm locked to the original source view for all editing. Am I missing some key fundamentals to extrusion editing and workplane orientation??

any help??

thanks in advance,

2013-07-01, 06:41 PM
If you want to adjust the length, you should be able to select your extrusion in one of the other views (the plan or elevation, sometimes a 3-d view) and use the little blue arrows to extend it. Hoping I understand the question and that this is helpful.....

Mike L Sealander
2013-07-01, 07:35 PM
Most solid modeling work flows require a 2-dimensional sketch to be generated, and then that sketch is "extruded" or "swept" along a path. If you are creating a solid object on the face of a wall, Revit has a Wall Sweep tool that can do this. However, you first need to have a profile family in your project. Revit ships with a number of Profiles in the OOTB library. Once you have a profile in the project, choose the Wall, Sweep command. Revit immediately shows the Wall Sweep properties in the Properties dialog. Clicking on the Edit Type lets you modify the sweep under Construction, where you can choose a loaded profile. All the legitimate profiles are listed in the pull-down. Wall Sweeps get hosted to walls. If you want to make a new profile family, use the Profile family template, or the Hosted Profile family template. These are strictly 2-dimensional families, because they are only making the profile sketch. You can also make 3-D generic families, including Line-Based families, using Profiles by loading a Profile family into another line-based or other type of family.

2013-07-01, 08:33 PM
Lynda.com has awesome tutorial videos, check out the one on the family editor