View Full Version : 2013 Excel, PDF, Word document- can I imort?

2013-07-06, 06:49 PM
Is is possible to import things like excel, word document, PDF?

2013-07-06, 11:41 PM
Not possible directly. There is a indirect way to link Excel through AutoCAD and then you CAD link them into Revit. As for PDF or word doc, export them as image and then insert them into Revit.

2013-07-08, 08:23 PM
If you do not need the exact formatting, you can try to cut and past from the Word or Excel file.
I have done "copy" from Word (or excel), then start "Annotate" in Revit; After you place the cursor for your annotation, hit "paste from clipboard".
It will import what text you copied in the current text style.
Revit will retain at least some of the formating from Excel and Word.
(For Word it will retain "returns" at the end of each line, but not (for me at least) the indentations at begining. similar for excel.)