View Full Version : Exporting to ACAD

2003-11-07, 10:52 PM
I have exported several views to ACAD with no problem. I have also done this several times in the past with no problems...But today when I select the first floor plan Revit appears to be exporting but then suddenly closes no error warning... nothing it just closes and my computer goes back to the desktop screen and there is no exported file created in the target folder :? It appears to only happen when I select that particular view.

Anybody got an idea of whats wrong :?:


2003-11-07, 11:07 PM
You don't say if you're exporting to R2004/2000 dwg , dxf .

Try switching the options to see what happens.
Also try using different export layers files.

Otherwise, could be a case for support to look at.

2003-11-07, 11:11 PM
I've tried both with the same results. I have exported this file before but it had much less information in it them.

I will try other layer settings


2003-11-07, 11:27 PM
I've now tried all different settings including Export to dxf again it appear to only be any view that includes the first floor. I say this because I tried to export the sheet view and it also failed.

Can somebody give me the support number I can't seem to find it bur I'll keep searching


2003-11-07, 11:34 PM
SUPPORT CONTACT INFO (http://www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=394)

2003-11-08, 03:41 PM
Just a guess...

I had a similar experience recently. After I placed an imported a jpeg logo on my title block, the export failed after creating a single 0kb file. No error message. After deleting the title block, it worked fine.

Any imported jpegs in your file?


2003-11-08, 07:53 PM
No. No imported anything, I found out it won't export the second floor either :? I have successfully exported the foundation, basement, and roof plans with out problem but not the first or second floor. the other day I exported all the plans, sections and elevations without problems I have not tried all the others because the consultant that needs the info only needs the plans.

I called support but it was too late on Friday (after hours) for them. I'll keep trying any and all suggestions welcome :banghead:

2003-11-09, 10:13 PM
Here is the latest...
1) I have removed all linked files.
2) Deleted several rendering images (just tests anyway of no real use).
3) Purged the file using the "purge unused" from the file menu (purging everything it would allow).
4) Know when I export (using 2000 dwg setting and AIA layering) it still crashes (closes the program and returns to the windows desktop) but when I check the destination folder there are 3 ACAD pat files created. all 3 files are 1kb and all 3 are created each time I try a new export.
5) I have tried turning off all surface and material patterns and I have allways set the view to hidden line before export.
6) Have opened several (+/- 10 or so) backup files from previous day and finally using a backup file 15 days old the export worked this back up file was created 2 days after I had exported all the files mentioned in an earlier post.
7) going back to a file 15 days old is not an option to many long/late nights and to much good info in the new file to start over.
8) New idea... tried opening a new blank project and importing the rvt file into it and then exporting. THIS WORKS :!:
9) Now the down side... a referenced rvt file has no anotations, sections tags, room names and more importantly no dimensions. Therefore, none of this is exported to ACAD and when opened in ACAD all information is a reference drawing with nothing active, editable or explodable.
10) I give up until Monday when I can talk to Revit Support.

Sorry all my post are long winded, but I am trying to give as much info as possible so that all of you that are smarter than I can understand if you care... This is very serious to me (I'm a one-man practice) with this client, other clients and consultants expecting everything at the same time and do not understand (or accept) software problems as an excuse for delay.

Thanks for the rant :x I only hope Support can help...


2003-11-09, 10:37 PM
11) Just noticed a second DWG file exported when I performed step 8 in previous post. this second DWG is active, editable and explodable but still no anotations because they are not exported from Revit but one step closer... When using the sequence (in item 8) the export creates 3 files. 2 DWG's and 1 PCP. One DWG is small and is the one I noted as being all reference information. The second DWG is larger and is the editable one. I didn't notice it the first time because I was only looking for the typical 2 (dwg/pcp) files that are normally created.


jacob chavez
2003-11-11, 03:33 AM
I too have had this same issue. Certain views will export fine and others won't. What I did was to narrow it down to which view was causing the problem. Then, "duplicate with detailing", delete the original view and rename the new view to the original name. This worked for me... it seemed there was just something about that particular view that was gumming things up. Give it a try.


2003-11-11, 10:31 PM
Thanks I will give that a try.
I have Revit Support working on this. I ve sent them the file and a revit log file.

Funny thing is that I did this yesterday and they called back and said every thing work fine...So I try it and everything is fine I exported each of the suspect files twice and all was good.

UNTIL!!!!! I make several changes and was going to update the consultant and Bang! Zoom! problem started all over again.

The latest file is the one there working on.


2003-11-12, 01:29 AM

Thanks for the work-around that works great :D
I have tried it several times by copying the original file to different names and then doing as you said. Each time I then tried to export everything worked great. I even exported 12 files at one time with out crashing :!:

I also noticed that overall file size went down (the file size deminished by almost 50%) I assume the corrupted portion of the file has been purged.

Could the moderators please paraphase the problem and JC's fabulous work-around in the Known Issues & Work-Arounds forum.



(OK .... done - beegee)

2003-11-12, 02:04 AM

It would also be useful to hear Revit Supports' views on this.

Can you post when they reply ?

2003-11-15, 09:26 PM
beegee here the latest...

I told them about JC's work-around and they sent this reply...

I have received your latest email, thanks for th update. I have filed a bug on your issue and report any suggestions I receive back to you. In the meantime, I am glad that you have a method that allows you to continue work

In a followup e-mail they asked for a copy of some linked files that were part of my original file saying that the developer was working on the problem and wanted to see if they were contributing to the crash.

That's the last I've heard I will let you know if I get any other response


2003-11-15, 11:23 PM

It sounds to me as though that reply came from your reseller, who, (no disrepect ), doesn't know a lot about Revit and has passed the problem on to Waltham to deal with.

Let us know how it goes.

2003-11-16, 02:44 PM

No! that came directly from the person I have been dealing with at Revit Support
