View Full Version : Session 7 - Part A: Beyond Buildings: Master Planning with Autodesk Revit Architecture

RTC Events
2013-07-14, 08:09 PM
Instructor: Michelle Leonard

Class Description: This class will look beyond the singular building and look at how to use Revit Architecture to design Masterplans, whether it be for a campus, new town centre or urban planning an entire city. We will cover how to get the most out of your modelling, to generate quick schemes that can be manipulated easily. Looking at what tools can be used to generate site elements, and how to effectively model and manage multiple buildings across a site.

Smart masses will be investigated, how we can achieve specific areas and volumes with some simple parameters. The class will then look at how simple 3D diagrammatic families can be added for supplementary information, and how the colours of buildings can be manipulated to reduce post-production time. Techniques utilising Navisworks will demonstrate how decanting processes can visually be shown when linked with a Microsoft Project programme. And finally, the class will look at supplementary programs to complete further analysis of the design and how these programs can be complementary to the Masterplanning workflow.