View Full Version : 2013 Model Groups - Certain Elements Remain on Original Level When Copied and Paste Aligned To Other Levels

2013-07-19, 05:24 PM
When I copy my Kitchen Model Group to other levels in my model, Some of the elements get copied to the new level, other elements remain in the identical place, and stretch the dashed appearance of the group boundary. how do i fix this? all of my families are generic unhosted casework and specialty equipment families. I don't understand why revit cannot copy certain items to new levels. Restore excluded is an option and it replaces a few of the items, but not all of them.

2013-07-19, 05:29 PM
also, i have found that when i copy the group to a new revit project, the floor comes with the group, but after pasted, that floor geometry is no longer selectable

2013-07-19, 07:01 PM
We've been having this problem on our project with some furniture... not even in a group. If you select the offending objects, I think that you will find that they are hosted on the floor, not the level. I never figured out definitively why it was happening, but I did create a workaround: Save the group out with a different name. Link in the saved group off to the side, in thin air, so to speak. Bind the link. Move the new group it where you want, copy-paste to your heart's content.

Wish I could figure out why the furniture--at least in my case it was only furniture--was hosted on the floor in the first place.

2013-07-19, 07:06 PM
I was looking at the group, and all of the families that move correctly are hosted to the level, while all of the problem families are hosted to the floor in that area. The problem is, that these families are old, and do not have the Edit Workplane, or Pick New Host capabilities. I'm going to try nesting them into new family templates and see it that restores all functionality to the families. any way to change hosts of families if this button isnt an option?

2013-07-19, 09:53 PM
Any way to change hosts of families if this button isnt an option?

I don't know of a way, sorry.

2013-07-20, 05:21 AM
To change the hosts of the families, you need to remove it from the group first. Once you out of the group, select the family and go to section or elevation. Choose select previous and choose the level datum as your new host. After that, you edit group and add the family into the group. If you have the group in multiple level, I would choose the CUT within group and then paste to same place once you outside the group. Reason is if you remove it from the group, you will have duplicate objects on top of each other and you will need to remove them manually. Cutting and pasting only allow one object to show up and you don't need to clean up.

2013-07-22, 09:13 PM
From my experience, model groups themselves, especially when copied from one level to another is absolutely one of the most frustrating things...to the point where now, I try my best to limit the use of groups as much as I can. Search the forum, there have been numerous threads about this.

2014-02-11, 07:35 PM
I don't know of a way, sorry.

The somewhat silly workaround I've found is to create another instance of the offending group off to the side of the model itself, add whatever floor-hosted components to this 'floating' group, (its away from any floor slabs, floating in mid-air, so the components won't host to anything but the level) save it so the rest of the groups are updated, then delete.