View Full Version : 2014 Work sharing does not work!

2013-08-01, 12:54 AM
I created two user files: User A and User B. However, when try to open User B file on another computer (computer B) it says the file contains an incorrect schema...I thought to try to create the user B file from computer B from the central file but computer B does not recognize it as a central file.

I know I was able to do this before but for some reason I cant this time. Help

2013-08-01, 08:47 AM
Several reasons. Different version of Revit (build). Drive mapping done in a different ways.

2013-08-01, 11:20 AM
but it worked before. It's the same Revit 2014. the Drive is same on both. I made sure.

2013-08-01, 01:23 PM
Don't know if this is relevant or not but I have seen the message "incorrect schema" when a computer has been critically low on disk space.

2013-08-01, 03:06 PM
Exact, or your writing to a read-only folder.
Or you have corrupted file :(

Like i said several reasons ;)

2013-08-01, 09:19 PM
it's working today. Perhaps when using things like dropbox, it take time for files to be recognized on other computers

2013-08-01, 09:53 PM
Funny how something major like using Dropbox isn't mentioned at the outset ;) If you'd included that tidbit that would have changed the conversation considerably. When people ask for help in a forum it really helps to provide lots of clues, it's a bit like a detective novel. We need clues to figure out who did it.

YES it takes quite awhile for a files (larger the longer) to upload to Dropbox and then replicate elsewhere. If you plan to do real work using Dropbox you'd better be careful. It is very easy to borrow something that another person has already borrowed because of the latency between upload and replication. When that happens whoever was second or third will lose, lose everything they did because Revit will not let you synchronize your work at all. Your "invalid Schema" error is indicating that the file was not intact when Revit tried to open it. This will happen if the file isn't completely replicated or uploaded.

Dropbox does not know anything about the relationships between our files or that Revit is attempting to communicate between central and local files. It just copies bit for bit from here to there and there. This means that it is all together too easy for Dropbox to kill the relationship unwittingly. If you can be certain that no two users are actively working on the project concurrently then there is much less risk. That would be something like a "follow the sun" workflow where someone in Europe works on the file until someone in the USA joins as the European's day winds down and the American stops works as the Australian begins and so on. Concurrent workers with files on Dropbox is a love story heading for heartbreak.

2013-08-02, 10:33 AM
ahhhhhh get rid of dropbox and at least move to Revit Server

2013-08-04, 11:31 AM
ahhhhhh get rid of dropbox and at least move to Revit Server

I totally agree. It's well document (several websites) that the central file cannot be placed on a dropbox. Thr main problem is that the central file must be 1 file, and handle all the keys and permissions to object borrowing. Dropbox replicates the files ot several locations, therefore the diffrent central does not handle this process properly as they may allow the same objects to be manipulate simultaneously. Moreover, the process of updating the central file across dropbox can just erase a lot of work.