View Full Version : Revit 6.0

2003-11-10, 06:51 AM
I keep seeing references to the next release - 6.0 in this forum, but can find no information on what this release means. Searching AutoDesk found nothing.
www.revit.com seems to have disappeared.....
Has there been an announcement or is everyone assuming there will eventually be a new release?

2003-11-10, 06:55 AM
Release 6.0 is coming, but no one in the know can say exactly when. ( N.D.A.'s )

Current betting favours December 03 or Jan o4.

Martin P
2003-11-10, 09:22 AM
is everyone assuming there will eventually be a new release?

yes! :lol:

2003-11-12, 09:28 PM
The vibe we are getting from our contact with support is that it will probably be in January at this point.

2003-11-12, 10:26 PM
Seems like the development has lost some of its momentum. One of the best things about Revit that I identified when deciding between Revit, Allplan, or ArchiCAD was Revits speedy release cycle. Smaller, more frequent releases make adjusting /learning new features easier, and give the users more opportunity to send feedback to the Revit team. I really HATE long term BIG releases. We had ADT 2004 in the box for months. ADT3.3 was at least functional. I installed ADT 2004 the other day to decide whether a user should use it on a new project (not up to snuff with Revit yet), and decided that there was not point, either way the user was going to have to learn a new program so they might as well learn Revit. Is anyone expressing concern to the Autodesk about the seemingly increasing time of releases? I got Revit at version 5 and expected a release every 6 months. Before buying Revit it seemed like I was reading a review of a new release more often then once a year.

2003-11-12, 10:39 PM
Increased pricing. Less flexible purchase options. Support shifted from direct contact to resellers. Increased time between releases. These are not promising trends.

With a release every 4-5 months it was easier to accept that only some of the wishlist items could be added and that every new function wouldn't work perfectly. I think that people's hopes and expectations will be much higher this time around. I hope that Autodesk realizes this. However, there is little else we can do but wait and see.

2003-11-13, 12:05 AM
I have the impression that as the product matures a slower update cycle is inevitable. The improvements become more involved and so take longer.

Its frustrating but no doubt 6 will be here soon enough

2003-11-13, 01:10 AM
Ditto -

It is just like architectural design, everything that is added or changed affects soemthing else and so on. I would encourage you to be patient, new releases have always been impressive.

- JB

Scott D Davis
2003-11-13, 01:29 AM
I'm with PJ and JB - Revit is still running at one major release a year!

Also remember, the same crew that created the original 1.0, is the same group that continues to work on the newest releases. (I'm sure they've added a few people here and there....) Post aquisition, Autodesk didn't take over and replace the Revit team with a whole new programming group. My understanding is that they haven't made any changes to the Revit team. In fact, Autodesk is using the Revit team as a model for the 'rapid' release cycle of their other products.

Another point: back in the early days, the wishlist created by the few hundred users was much easier to get a grip on than the wishlist created by the 1000's of users now!

2003-11-13, 04:07 AM
Yes, plus, worse case scenario, if they stopped developing Revit altogether I could still get more done in less time and would gladly pay for the privelege. 90% of the functionality is there. 5% is workarounds. The remaining 5% would be gravy. :D

I may be off in the exact percentages...I'm an engineer, we use factors of safety of at least 1.5 for everything anyway :wink:

2003-11-13, 04:13 AM
Has anybody heard any rumors about what is going to be in Revit 6? Since it sounds like we are going to wait a little bit more, a little teaser wouldn't hurt, would it? Nudge Nudge :wink: :wink:


2003-11-13, 05:30 AM
Couldn't say whats going in , but as for the release date ......

These guys are building seminars around it.

Revit Seminars:

Following the release of Revit 6.0, CTC is planning two great seminars. The first is to be held on Jan. 14th, and will be featuring the new features of Revit 6.0. On the following Wednesday, Jan. 21, CTC is hosting a special seminar focusing on those clients that do Design/Build. That seminar will go more in depth, showing how Builders can use Revit 6.0 to design, draw, and manage the construction of their projects.

2003-11-13, 12:22 PM
I suspect that we are not being shown the whole picture by the 'pony tailed' marketing people, in that Revit and ADT may need to become one product? making the process more difficult as the two blend into one over a period of time. ADTrevit ?

Hopefully the end result won't be like in the movie 'The Fly' (brilliant scientist swaps 50% of his DNA accidentally with a fly ) the end result being less than favorable, but was able to eat food faster.
Moral of the story.... lots of flies, not too many brilliant scientist or was it look before you leap into electron disassembling device? :)


If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

2003-11-13, 12:43 PM
I don't think a blend is very likely, not a literal one anyway, using code from one in another. Seems to me that as long as both products have a user base and can justify their existence in the company's business plan, both will be around. Phil Bernstein and Carl Bass basically said this in posts on the ADT ng awhile ago.

With the release of ADT2004, ADT is more like Revit than the reverse. Some have said that is purely coincidental but that seems a little unlikely to me. Revit was an obvious competitor prior to the purchase so its features and concepts were clearly things to "beat" or match. After the purchase, well, things were already on course in that regard so I don't think the purchase made for any serious detours in their plan.

Just as there are fervent Revit users, there are ADT users who won't even try Revit for one reason another and even some who prefer to bad mouth it without trying it. Most likely Revit will never attract everyone the software is intended to please, but then neither will ADT, it is simply impossible to please everyone right?

I believe the growth of this forum from it's inception is an indication of the growing use and acceptance of Revit. Hopefully that's a reasonable assumption.

(mind you this is all my opinion and pure conjecture)