View Full Version : 2014 Fatal error when hatching

2013-08-14, 11:30 AM
Every time we try to hatch 2014 crashes with a fatal error. All you have to do is hit the hatch button...Fatal error. This is only happening on our 32 bit machines (3 gigs ram). Our 64 bit machines (8 gigs ram) are working fine. The 32 bit machines will also crash with shademode set to anything but 2D wireframe. Is anyone else having the issue with hatching? Any ideas what the problem might be? The computers do show 2 video devices (even though it is the on board video card intel q35 chipset). I updated the driver for the q35 chipset but there is a driver for a "Mirage driver" I assume that is something our IT department put there but I don't know why.

Any help is appreciated,

2013-08-14, 11:50 AM
Opertaing sytem Win7 or XP on the 32bit machines? hardware accelleration enabled or disabled?

2013-08-14, 04:36 PM
windows 7, Hardware acceleration enabled.

2013-08-14, 05:25 PM
HPPICKMODE - try setting that to 1

o add ram and convert to 64bit

2013-08-14, 07:36 PM
HPPICKMODE=0 (Read only) I can't change it to 1

Looks like it will have to be 64 bit......

Turned off hardware acceleration. That seems to have fixed it.

Rats no new computers.
