View Full Version : 2014 Revit rendering is driving me nuts!!!

2013-08-27, 06:33 PM
Ok so I'm feeling extremely frustrated with revit at the moment - in particular, the way in which materials are applied and *cough* aligned!

So I'm quite new to rendering in revit and this is my issue -

I have quite a simple project that requires some horizontal timber clad walls - so I've physically modeled the cladding with the wall sweep command - now all I want to do is apply a timber cladding material and bump map to the surface of the cladding in order to render out the 'realistic' look I'm after. So this is my problem - I have been trying to align and scale the material maps to the cladding so the shadows fall at the lip of each length of cladding, I have been (unsuccessfully) trying to do this for the last hour by delving in and out of the graphics and appearance tabs and trying to guess the dimensions and the alignment and I'm getting absolutely nowhere!

I think my misery is further compounded by the fact that I'm quite an experienced 3ds Max user and realize how easy this would be to achieve in Max in just a few minutes - the problem is when ever I open my linked revit file in Max, Max crashes despite the fact I have far more complicated Max based projects that I'm currently working on that run with no issues...

Am I completely missing something or is it really this tedious to align material maps in revit? Is there any kind of UVW map modifier type extension I can download?

Sorry for my rant - but I just felt the need to vent my frustrations...

2013-08-27, 07:26 PM
As far as I know it really is that tedious to map materials in Revit. Although, other than spending a lot of time, I've never had trouble with it.
I think there's already a service pack 1 for Revit 2014. Are you linking it into 3dsMax 2014? I believe there are a couple of SP's for that too...
Other than that, hardware plays an important role. I was having iRay crash me out because of a shader issue with Kepler-series nvidia cards.
Its possible you aren't choosing the right settings when linking that Revit model.
You could always export as FBX and give it a shot??? (I know, I know, temporary workaround).

2013-08-27, 08:15 PM
Thanks for the response - Yes Revit 2014 into Max 2014, I'll have to get hold of the service packs and see if it makes any difference although I was really hoping I could do the entire project from within Revit the environment. Revit is great in so many ways so I can't quite belive how difficult they've made it to perform what should be such a simple task!

Can you elaborate on what you mean when you say its possible that I'm not choosing the right settings when linking my revit model? This is the first time I've tried to link to Max - currently all I do is attach one of the 3D views and leave it at that - what settings are there at my disposal?

2013-08-28, 02:01 PM
On this final import screen (see attached image) I find its the most important. For my preset pull-down menu, I almost always choose Autodesk Revit - Do Not Combine Entities. I found that one of the choices (can't remember which) causes some artifacts, I think its combine by material maybe? <fingers crossed that its just in need of a SP update>

Otherwise my only other advice is to post your question on several forums. You'd be surprised how few people mix Revit and 3dsMax. I find you are either one or the other, at least in the US.

1) AUGI - 3dsMax forum (just a few clicks away)

2) http://forum.nvidia-arc.com/forum.php

3) RevitCity.com perhaps?

2013-08-29, 08:40 AM
On this final import screen (see attached image) I find its the most important. For my preset pull-down menu, I almost always choose Autodesk Revit - Do Not Combine Entities. I found that one of the choices (can't remember which) causes some artifacts, I think its combine by material maybe? <fingers crossed that its just in need of a SP update>

Otherwise my only other advice is to post your question on several forums. You'd be surprised how few people mix Revit and 3dsMax. I find you are either one or the other, at least in the US.

1) AUGI - 3dsMax forum (just a few clicks away)

2) http://forum.nvidia-arc.com/forum.php

3) RevitCity.com perhaps?

So I downloaded the service packs for Max and Revit but that failed to solve the issues. But changing the import option to 'Do Not Combine Entities' helped it little - I mean Max still crashes, but not quite as frequently :)

After a little digging around on other forums it would appear that 'yes' revit really is this bad for material mapping - I guess all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and hope for updates in future releases!

Thanks for your input :)