View Full Version : 2013 Station offset labels

2013-08-28, 10:07 PM
We have a drawing using station offset labels that as of 8-20-13 all the labels were showing. As of today there are no labels. Using Windows previous versions feature we went back to the file before the last PDF was created and still there are no labels in the drawing.

We've already resigned to the fact these labels will need to be recreated. Though it seems strange that even previous versions of the file the labels still don't show up, despite being visible in the thumbnail C3D provides.

What we've looked at:
All layers are turned on and are thawed.
We looked into the styles governing station offset labels to make sure all the display options were set to True.
In both model and paper space/viewport we made sure Annotation Visibility was turned on.
We zoomed to the alignment the notes should be referencing to make sure it was in its proper place.
The surface name hasn't changed.
The alignment name hasn't changed.
We audited the drawing file, 0 errors found.

Is there some setting I am still overlooking that is causing these labels to disappear?
Would some change in the name of the surface of alignment cause the labels to simply not show? (We did add a renew a surface but the name didn't change.)

2013-08-29, 12:47 PM
Are the labels missing altogether, or is just the data in the label missing?
Are there any data shortcuts involved or is everything (alignment, surface, etc) in the same .dwg file?
If you recreate one label, does it show up OK? Does it survive a save, close, and re-open of the drawing?
Don't put much faith in the drawing preview icon, that is simply a snapshot of the drawing at the last save and does not mean anything about what you might get the next time you physically open the drawing.

2013-08-30, 06:56 PM
The labels are gone completely.
Surfaces & alignment are data short-cut into the drawing.
We have not recreated a label, but we did copy one in (same style showing the same data) from a previous sheet and it showed up (no data but it was visible). I suspect the problem is data shortcut related but we cant pinpoint the culprit as no names have changed. We did update a surface in our FG-Surf dwg but the surfaces name didn't change. I can't accept they've been deleted since the labels would have showed back up in a previous versions dwg file. Also I don't like tabbing out my production sheets in the layout window so I have 2 other production dwgs files with similar information using the same style showing similar data down the road that worked just fine. The new surface updated the values of my station offset labels. Simple, easy the way dynamic stuff is suppose to work. Yet in this 3rd file...

2013-08-30, 07:05 PM
If it is data short-cut related, if one of the items needed (surface or alignment) for the label are missing does it normally blitz the label? I know for spot elevations you get the ??? when the surface name is changed or missing.