View Full Version : 2013 Linear Dimensions

2013-09-03, 05:00 PM
Has anyone had a problem where you wanted to place a linear dimension that it would not select anything when you placed your cursor over items such as walls, windows, floors, grid lines, etc.? I can use all of the other dimensions aligned radius, etc. but for some reason linear will not work when I try to select anything. any ideas? I did look at the type properties and did not find anything out of the ordinary that I think would prevent me from picking object to dimension. Thanks for your help.

2013-09-03, 06:15 PM
Linear dim. will snap only to the end points of objects, or intersections.

2013-09-03, 06:31 PM
Ok, what do I use to dimension the other objects?

2013-09-03, 07:36 PM
Aligned dimensions.

2013-09-03, 08:54 PM
LOL, OK. I haven't tried that. I just assumed linear.