View Full Version : Revision Tag?

2005-02-23, 07:11 AM
Good day everyone,
Can anyone tell me whats the difference in creating revision by project and revision by sheet.?
I am unable to understand what difference does it make if we create revisions by project and by sheet.

2005-02-23, 08:45 AM
I think it easier to explain with an example:-


Say you amend your Ground Floor Plan and over a period of time you have 4 clouds on that plan, but revision 3 has two clouds, since it’s the same revision but picks up a couple of elements in this example.

Each cloud will be tagged on the plan view =1 to 3.

You place that plan view on a sheet and your Revision Schedule will fill out with the details of the 3 revision notes ( Remember that rev 3 is the same, with two instances. )

You now make another revision , with cloud, on the level plan. That plan view is not placed on a sheet yet. You tag it with your revision set as Rev 4. Your drawing sheet ( with the Ground Floor Plan on it ) remains unchanged ie 3 revisions are listed on the sheet. Your plan view of Level 1 shows the rev tag as number 4 also.

You place the Level 1 Plan on a new sheet. That sheet fills in with just the one revision listed, but its listed as Rev 4.


Say you amend your ground floor plan and over a period of time you have 4 clouds on that plan, but revision 3 has two clouds, since it’s the same revision but picks up a couple of elements in this example.

Each cloud will be tagged on the plan view =1 to 3.

You place that plan view on a sheet and your Revision Schedule will fill out with the details of the 3 revision notes ( Remember that rev 3 is the same, with two instances. )

So far, no different from the earlier By Project example.

You now make another revision , with cloud, on the Level 1 plan. That plan view is not placed on a sheet yet. You tag it as Rev 4. Your drawing sheet ( with the Ground Floor Plan on it ) remains unchanged ie 3 revisions are listed on the sheet.

Your plan view of Level 1 shows the rev tag but with no number.

You place the Level 1 Plan on a new sheet. That sheet fills in with just the one revision listed, but its listed as Rev 1, and now the tag on your Level 1 Plan view also shows the number as Rev1.

Does that help to explain the difference ?

2005-02-23, 01:00 PM
After reading this 2 times, I'm still lost. I guess I need to take off the headphones, and read this s l o w l y. :wink:

I'm not saying this is a bad explaination, it's just involved. I need to understand this soon. We will be adding revisions to our first 'official' Revit project soon.

Thanks beegee,

2005-02-23, 03:14 PM
OK Let me have a go...
Revisions by project increment from 1 upwards regardless of where the views are placed on the sheets.
Revisions by Sheet increment from 1 upwards on each sheet. Therefore if you spread your plots across many sheets (who doesn't) each sheet that shows a revision will have a revision 1.

Now, as the revision schedule is built into the design of the titleblock, the schedule will only show the revisions that appear on that sheet anyway so there is no real problem with either method it's up to you.
Continuous sequence of revision numbers across whole project (by Project) or start from 1 on each sheet (by Sheet).
Oh and by the way you can change your mind at any time and Revit will re-sequence. Cool eh?( oh no I said cool and I'm nearly 40)


2005-02-23, 11:05 PM
FWIW, I believe "by Project" is the way to go. There can be no misunderstandings if each revision is identified by its own unique number.

Chad Smith
2005-02-24, 01:16 AM
FWIW, I believe "by Project" is the way to go.
I tend to think that 'By Project' is a bad method to use.
If you have a sheet that goes Revision 1, then 2, then 4, it can cause confusion as to whether there actually was or should have been a revision 3 for that sheet. I have never seen a drawing set that is issued in this way.

When a sheet is issued 'By Sheet', all the numbers are in order without fail, no confusion, no problems. Just my opinion.

2005-02-24, 02:02 AM
If I use "By Project ", the builder might call me to ask "where is Revision 3 ? "

I tell him to look on sheet X. His RFV paperwork comes in with the proper references.

If I use " By Sheet ", the builder calls me to ask " why are there three different revisions each numbered 1 and two revisions each numbered 2 ? " I explain that each number is referenced to a sheet. When I get his RFV's they are all hopelessly screwed :banghead:

Me, I prefer to deal with the first scenario. Maybe your builders are smarter than mine ( wouldn't be hard )

I tend to think that 'By Project' is a bad method to use.
If you have a sheet that goes Revision 1, then 2, then 4, it can cause confusion as to whether there actually was or should have been a revision 3 for that sheet. I have never seen a drawing set that is issued in this way.

When a sheet is issued 'By Sheet', all the numbers are in order without fail, no confusion, no problems. Just my opinion.

Chad Smith
2005-02-24, 02:11 AM
I guess it comes down to what revision process the subbies are used to with each firm.

Maybe your builders are smarter than mine ( wouldn't be hard )
I doubt it. I guess that's why we call sub-contractors 'subbies' ;)

2005-02-24, 04:46 AM
Thanx Beegee,
You explained it really well......the difference is quite clear to me now.
Thanx again.

2005-02-24, 05:08 AM
When working by project.... I'd like to see an option to allow all sheets get the revision number weather it has a cloud on it or not. We generally issue the entire set again when there is a revision, and my boss likes to have every sheets revision block the same.

2005-02-24, 08:43 AM
The current problem with that scenario is if you use the Revision Schedule to log "Issues" as well as "Revisions " ( ie Sheet A10 - Issued to Checking Authority. -Using a small discrete cloud on the sheet to achieve this. ) You would not want every sheet to pick up that particular "issue".

I think the whole revisions schedule thing is probably getting some close attention from the Factory anyway, so hopefully this won't be a problem for too much longer.

When working by project.... I'd like to see an option to allow all sheets get the revision number weather it has a cloud on it or not. We generally issue the entire set again when there is a revision, and my boss likes to have every sheets revision block the same.